Left neglected

Beautifully written, Lisa Genova takes us into the hurried and harried lives of a young family who seem to have it all or do they? Running in all directions,jobs, daycare, after school activities,you know the drill. Traveling in her car Sarah looks away from the road for one split second, shes doing the one thing that so many of us have become guilty of in this high tech over connected world we live in,texting while driving. In that split second of inattention Sarah's world change's forever.
The aftermath of the accident leaves Sarah with a traumatic brain injury know as left brain neglect. For the individual who suffers this devastating brain insult it is beyond all comprehension, because to Sarah the left side of her body ceases to exist.
I was so caught up as Lisa Genova has the uncanny ability to get inside Sarah's head and describes this injury from her point of view, so that you truly understand what she is feeling. It's an amazing gift and I believe made this book a most rewarding read.
It is also a story that causes us to stop and think, one blink of an eye and life can change forever and things can never be the same, we all get this, but this book reminds us quite vividly just how devastating the consequences can be.