Dandelion Bouquets

Okay, how many of you have either given or received a dandelion bouquet? When I was growing up my mom always kept very small vases just for those sweet little bouquets she would lovingly receive from those tiny hands. So when I became a mom I did the same thing. I have a few special vases for those first flowers given in the spring. Now I have grand-babies who are bringing me flowers!

Dandelions are weeds...and yet when they are received from the tiny hands of a child, they are more precious to us than any expensive bouquet of roses ever was. And the look on their faces as they hand us our crumpled bouquet is priceless.

I've pondered how God feels when we bring Him an offering...are we bringing it as a child brings that dandelion with sweetness and love. God is more concerned with the matters of our hearts than the physical offering itself. A couple of scriptures that teach us this are Matthew 5:8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. Also Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. One more, Hebrews 13:15-16  Our sacrifice is to keep offering praise to God in the name of Jesus. 16 But don’t forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God. So God is pleased with our praises of Him and our acts of kindness to those God has placed in our lives, from our family to the grocery clerk or the stranger we meet along the way.

Maybe the next time you see a dandelion...pick it and put it in a vase to remind you of the simple gift of praise and kindness and God's love for His children, you could even give it to God as an offering of praise and thanksgiving for all He has done. Give it to Him with a childlike faith, crumpled and withered but all He sees is your praises and kindness.

So get out there and pick a dandelion bouquet with your children or your grand-babies and cherish the simple things in life.

Mismatched socks...

Mismatched socks...

How about you...got any mismatched socks lying around? Come on now fess up, no need to be ashamed. I must admit I'm one of those who hangs on to those lone socks for far too long hoping in vain that the match will show up, although there are times they do, and with great satisfaction I put the pair together, and sigh, thankful I held onto that lone sock for so long

Another Day

A view out my window...

A view out my window...

Life, don't we all find ourselves in the midst of life. Mine has been rather a whirl wind of changes and learning things I never planned to learn. Things like, how do I cope now that my father has gone before me, and all the details involved when you are the executrix of an estate. I don't want to have to learn all these things. Earlier today was this sweeping image , I wanted to call my dad, I needed to talk to him, but I can't, he's not there. I miss him, I loved being able to call him and just talk to him about everyday stuff, what I was up to, what I was cooking for dinner, what his grand kids were up to, just chat, I miss that.

Both my parents are gone now. My mom has been gone for seven years. Well actually make that 8, just this last Thursday was the anniversary of her death, which also happens to  be my sister's birthday. I know it's rather strange but my mom died on my sister's birthday and my sister died on my daughter's birthday, but that's another whole chapter in my life for another time.

In the midst of Life, so much happening, and how will I respond to the bumps in the road as I travel along? My response varies, sometimes I handle the bumps pretty well and other times not so well, but I think the most important lesson I've learned is to trust in God, He is in control and when that is foremost in my mind I'm able to keep putting one foot in front of the other even when my feet feel rather heavy and I'd much rather stay in bed, it's a new day and His mercies are new every morning.

Right now I am struggling with heaviness, I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is some family stuff that's going on or my age old battle with feeling like I can never quite get it right...ever had that feeling?

Well, what do you think? What motivates us to keep on keeping on? Is it a love for life? A sense of responsibility for those we are accountable to? Our children? I know for me it changes with what I happen to be experiencing at the time. I love the song Dory sings in the movie Finding Nemo.  I like to sing it to myself when life gets tough, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, just keep swimming. So there I go again just putting one foot in front of the other again. Sometimes that is the best we can do, and it's enough.

Where ever you find yourself in the midst of life let me encourage you to keep swimming, keep putting that foot in front of the other, keep moving forward. We are on this journey of life together, and we got this.

Well I had better get busy, there is much to be done. Easter is this Sunday, my family is involved in a Cantata at our church and I'm also in the midst of doing a musical "Peter pan", so I'll talk again soon :)

Ta ta for now♥