Mismatched socks...

How about you...got any mismatched socks lying around? Come on now fess up, no need to be ashamed. I must admit I'm one of those who hangs on to those lone socks for far too long hoping in vain that the match will show up, although there are times they do, and with great satisfaction I put the pair together, and sigh, thankful I held onto that lone sock for so long. I do reach the point where my mismatched sock box is just getting too full, and I finally convince myself it's time to throw out the socks who's pairs are never coming back, it's tough I know but at times it just has to be done.

Midge in the sock box : )

Midge in the sock box : )

I've kept my mismatched socks in a cardboard box for years. Lately the cat has decided itmakes a very comfy bed and has taken up residence there. What that has to do with mismatched socks I have no idea, but it's a fact so there you have it.

I often feel rather mismatched, like there is something missing like a few brain cells that were eaten by the dryer, just like all those missing socks. Where do they go people? Those socks, maybe I should start a web site for all the missing socks in the world. I know I could start some kind of recycling project! But I suppose someone has already started that one. I have a dear friend who had five little boys, and I'll never forget her telling me she could never find her boys socks, so she decided she was just going to have to paint them on, this would solve her sock dilemma : )

But seriously my friends, how about those times when we really do feel like that mismatched sock... we just don't fit in, we try, but we always seem to stand out. Sometimes I think to myself I'd much rather stay home than go to that function where I just know I'm not gonna fit in. Then I tell myself, "Now Lisa, you need to go, you know it will be okay, you might feel like this right now, but your going to get there and be thankful you pushed yourself out the door and went, and guess what?... your not alone. There are plenty of folks out there that feel just like a mismatched sock, never feeling like they quite fit in. Remember God loves to use mismatched socks for His glory, cause His ways are not our ways, and this way He gets all the credit. Only He can take all those mismatched socks and change them until they fit right into what he Had planned for them all along, they just have to be willing to go." One of my favorite verses is Philippians 1:6And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. I'm just so thankful that when I mess things up I know He never gives up on me!

Okay true confessions...this is embarrassing for me but some of my girls at times will put socks together that don't match! Now granted they do sorta go together, it's still embarrassing though, cause I feel like it makes me look like I'm a bad mother, not having matching socks for my children, ah well, such is life... Laundry, oh no, that's a whole other subject, I best stop for now my friends, I think I've rambled on enough about mismatched socks, what say you?....