Sometimes Even the Best Tea Cups Are Chipped

I heard this quote, “Sometimes even the best teacups are chipped,” on the show, “Once Upon A Time.” My girls and I were watching it, and I really liked it, so I wrote it down, saying tomyself, one of these days this will become the title of one of my blogs :-)


So a couple weeks ago I wrote it, writing for me is inspired at the moment...I had spent four hours writing this post and I was just about ready to save and publish and I pressed the wrong button... I thought I was deleting a block, but I deleted the whole post! It felt rather devastating, it was like part of me died, I realize that's rather dramatic but I'll never be able to get that particular post back, it was inspired at that moment, and I write things as they come to me, I begin a new post with new thoughts. I'm a couple weeks older, so maybe I'm a bit wiser, right? :-)


So the quote..."Sometimes even the best teacups are chipped." What does that mean? For me it's talking about people, cause remember in the story of Beauty and the Beast, Chip is an enchanted teacup who was once a real person. So what kind of person is chipped? Aren't we all chipped in some way? I know I am, and I'm actually a better person for it. I just read a story of a young mom whose baby died forty-nine minutes after she was born. This mom knew her baby was going to die. She treasured every moment she had with this precious life <3 Even though what she went through was one of the most difficult circumstances she had ever faced, in the end she was able to say she was a better person because of it. She said, “I think its taught me about true loss. I have learned to cling closer to my God. I have been trying to allow my inner-Job come out. To praise Him in this storm. To allow God's grace, mercy and light shine through me in and throughout ALL things. But that is easier said than done. Prayer. There is another thing that I have gotten better at. I cling to it. Because really, I don't feel like I can actually talk to anyone BUT God.” Empathy, she will now be able to understand others when they are facing similar pains. God's word teaches us in 2 Corinthians 1:6 (NLT) Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.

This piece of jewelry is made from a broken teacup! I think it's so beautiful, and a symbol of how much beauty there is in our own brokenness, and how God can turn it into beauty.

This piece of jewelry is made from a broken teacup! I think it's so beautiful, and a symbol of how much beauty there is in our own brokenness, and how God can turn it into beauty.


We are all chipped teacups, but remember even the best teacups are chipped. We must walk humbly, for when we do we don't have a chip on our shoulder which is far different from having a chip in our character, a chip that causes us to be stronger and lean harder into our Lord and Savior. I'm reminded of two different people from God's word, each was chipped, one had a chip on his shoulder and the other walked humbly. One thought he did everything right and was proud of this fact, the other knew in the sight of God he was nothing but a sinner. One left with a self-righteous attitude and the other left forgiven and redeemed. We all have choices to make every day. Which will you choose, to walk humbly or self-righteous?


We are fearfully and wonderfully made, that has been one of my affirmation lately. I have been saying this over and over, every day. I have a tendency to be very critical of myself and beat myself up with inner self-talk, so I'm learning to turn it around and think positive thoughts into my life. So lately this is what I say instead, I'm a daughter of the KING, fearfully and wonderfully made, I am LOVED more than I can ever know. This just blows me away! He loves me!! He loves me so much, He died for me! But God, I'm a sinner, I've done horrible terrible things, how could you ever love me? And He tells me He does, and when I come to Him and seek Him and trust Him to forgive me of all my ugliness, He does, and He even forgets it as far as the east is to the west. I'm the one that digs it back up. I can walk in His righteousness because of what He has done for me. He won the battle over sin, He said it's finished the day He died on that horrid cross, which became the emblem of hope. What about you? Have you accepted this gift of salvation? It's free... you just have to accept this gift, there's nothing you can do to deserve it, or earn it, cause it's already been bought and paid for by the blood our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What are you waiting for? God's kingdom is filled with chipped teacups. He's waiting to fill you up to overflowing with His love and mercy, so you can pour out to others who are lost and in need of a Savior.